عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 19-01-2010, 10:15 AM
المشاركة 179
ضمآي انت
عضو عطرنا بِــشذاه
  • غير متواجد
if you to sad ...remember on thing
can't you live with the Evil omen
becarfull about yourself, friends and all the people who love you
Don't cry ... in any time ... never
because tiny problems are the spices of the life
Stop!! ...the life wants Some FUN

you must know that { the Sky Doesn't raining gold and silever}
work harder to be independent...and Successfull...
if you listen to my Counsels.Becarefull

the problems will shrunk, and you will be the queen of happiness..think about love and go to that town.. Don't go back to be the WINNER
Don't back..Countully on the Counsel


وقــــل ربِ ارحمهمآ كمآ ربيآني صغيرآ