عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 13-08-2010, 04:21 AM
المشاركة 10
ضمآي انت
عضو عطرنا بِــشذاه
  • غير متواجد
رد: معنى اسمك باللغه الانجليزيه
M * Success comes easily to you

A * You love to make people laugh

S * People think you are so sexy

H * You have very good personality and looks

A * You love to make people laugh

E * You are popular with all types of people

L * You always make other people smile when you smile

wooooow I think it's perfect name ,, i hope that in real life

thanx for the topics

وقــــل ربِ ارحمهمآ كمآ ربيآني صغيرآ