عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 28-09-2008, 05:22 AM
المشاركة 6
THe leaDER
عضو عطرنا بِــشذاه
  • غير متواجد
|--*¨®¨*--| Colours Of Love |--*¨®¨*--|


Colours Of Love

Love can be red,like the intense heat of a passionate kiss
.....the color of sweetness
.....the color of strawberries

Love can be blue,like the comfort we take in a pair of denim jeans
.....the color of strength
.....the color of perfect skies

Love can be yellow,bright and warm like the morning sun
.....like the sounds of laughters of children on the merry-go-round
.....like the sounds of fun from the boys flying kites in the open fields

Love can be green,peaceful and serene I can hear your heart beats
.....it is the feeling of a loving hand that touch a grieving heart
.....it is the whispering of trusting words to a distressing soul

Love can be orange,the loudness of it can drive you up a wall
.....it can drive you to sing like nobody is listening
.....it can drive you to dance like nobody is watching

Love can be purple,the courage we need to love bravely and unselfishly
.....the moment I first kiss you I know that I am not afraid to risk involvement
.....the day the declaration of your love for me was made known to the world

شجون الليل

Thank you for the all colours of love you have sent, but unfortunately we missed somt of those colours in our present life

قناص الخاينين