عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 26-09-2007, 07:25 PM
المشاركة 2
عضوتربع القمه
  • غير متواجد
تمارين المنطقة السفلية
Lower Region

Mountain climbers

Grass hoppers

Hindu squat

Lunging plyo-drill

One-legged squat

تمارين منطقة الوسط
Mid Region

Crunch - standard

Oblique crunch

Straight legged sit-up

Legs out crunch

Fludder kicks

Elbow twist


يتبع ............


If not for you, I wouldn’t know
What true love really meant.
I’d never feel this inner peace;
I couldn’t be content.

If not for you, I’d never have
The pleasures of romance.
I’d miss the bliss, the craziness,
Of love’s sweet, silly dance.

If not for you, I’d be adrift;
I don’t know what I’d do;
I’d be searching for my other half,
Incomplete, if not for you.
